WILLIAM SCHEREMET (born July 31st, 1988) is a sport pilot and an advanced ground instructor. The thing that sets him apart is that he has gained these certifications while being a paraplegic. On top of that, he has multiple years of training and coaching experience, which make him an excellent person to help people learn and grow during their student pilot journey.
William attributes his success to a faith in Yeshua the Messiah (The One people call Jesus Christ). His faith is what gives him hope and helps him to dream big. That's where the name Moving a Mountain comes from.
"For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20
William grew up in Minnesota and was around aviation from a young age. His dad was a pilot, and he even lived on an airpark for a number of years. However, William did not get into aviation at that time, despite the opportunity. He would first have to embark on a journey of many trials and challenges.
William had a pretty normal childhood, but it was also filled with conflict and chaos. His parents often argued with each other, and fought for years before eventually getting divorced. When William was around the age of 9, he got exposed to pornography. At 12 he got pressured into drinking and started getting drunk regularly. He was also getting severely bullied at school during this time. All of this conflict led him to rebel. This is one of the reasons he chose not to learn to fly. He was mad at his dad and wanted to set himself apart from him. Instead, he chose to live a reckless life of adrenaline, drinking, and drugs.
William wasted many years pursuing worthless things. His only focus was pleasure and how he could find a bigger high. It was fun at first, but eventually it caught up with him. He started having problems. Mental breakdowns. Financial issues. Then the worst thing he could have imagined happened.
William was invited to test ride dirtbikes at a local track. He pulled out onto the track for the last session of the day, and saw his friend right in front of him. He tried to pass him by hitting a jump and landed sideways. The landing was soft, but seconds later another rider plowed into him. He broke his back, was instantly paralyzed, and almost died.
Recovering from the accident was the most challenging thing he had ever dealt with. He was depressed, angry, and sad for a long time. He tried everything to fix it, but nothing was working. When he was finally at rock bottom, he decided to pick up a Bible. He had been an atheist for a while, but was still curious about what it said. Maybe it had answers to some of the questions he had.
As William began to read, he was captivated. He could sense that there was something different than any other book he had ever read. He kept reading and reading. Then, one night he had a dream. In the dream, it was like he was on trial for all the horrible things he had done, and he was guilty. There was no escape. Suddenly, he appeared in a peaceful garden area. He saw a gravestone with a specific celtic cross on it, and a bright light shining behind it. In the dream, he said, "I give up. I need the help of Jesus Christ." Instantly, the guilt vanished and he knew who Jesus was.
It was just after 4:00am when William woke up. He couldn't sleep, so he went straight to the Bible. This is what he read:
"For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds, then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings, that he may turn man aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; he keeps back his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword." (Job 33:14-18)
At that moment William knew that God was real. He had a surge of hope well up inside of him and he started weeping. Later that day, he found out it was the one year anniversary of his grandpa's death. He also found out that the exact time he woke up from his dream was the exact time his grandpa had passed. He had never visited his grave up to that point, but decided to go that day. Sure enough, the specific celtic cross he saw in his dream was on the gravestone.
William's life changed dramatically after that. He was freed from all his previous addictions, he started finding joy and peace in life that he had never experienced before, and even though he was limited he began to find opportunities to do amazing things with his life.
One of those opportunities came about 10 years after the accident. William got into a program called Able Flight. This program helps people with disabilities get their sport pilot certification. After being forced to live most of his life in a wheelchair for so long, flying was the most freeing experience William could have imagined. It became one of his biggest passions in life.
Since learning to fly, William has continued learning about aviation. He has also gained his Advanced Ground Instructor certificate, which allows him to teach ground school to aspiring pilots. William has multiple years of experience working as a cognitive trainer, as well as some other coaching experience. One of his strengths is working one-on-one with people to help them breakthrough obstacles and achieve their goals. William has had to overcome a number of major challenges in his life, which makes him great at getting others through their own. His main goal is to help people live with faith and embark on beautiful journeys in their lives through teaching them aviation.